Technical support
Save money and time with maintenance Agreement
Access Customer Support Service and get free up-to-date software versions

Ensure your daily operations so that Vertex works as expected and any problems are solved as quickly as possible.
Take the benefit of the latest features by using the latest software versions containing the most up-to-date functionality and bug fixes.
With the maintenance agreement you will get the new software versions and service packs with no charge.
With updates you will also get instructions to utilize the new features.
You can also influence to future development, as we listen to and take into account your development ideas.
Register to customer support service to make support requests and track the status of your requests.
You’ll also able to track your open and pending requests. The system also offers frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.
This way, you can find a solution to many things even without any support request.
Technical support
We help your daily operations with our software.
Technical support is available for customers with a valid maintenance agreement.