What’s New in Vertex BD 2025 & Vertex Sync
Learn how to improve your workflow and collaborate better with the latest features of Vertex BD and Vertex Sync.
New IFC Enhancements: Spaces and Zones
Apply building permits with digital files instead of paper drawings
Some countries require a digital file format (IFC) for applying a building permit. Vertex BD 2025 IFC format now supports rooms and apartments as spaces, as well as provide area and volume information for zones or spaces to comply with regulations in certain countries.
Manage Profiles in Libraries
Easily control what profiles you’d like to use
 Managing profile libraries is now easier with the library browser. You can quickly deactivate or activate profiles you’d like to use, and make building specific libraries easily.
Vertex Sync
New online collaboration platform
Vertex Sync is a cloud service for saving and managing your projects securely online. Work anywhere and collaborate with your team members easily. Vertex Sync is sold separately.
Vertex BD – Vertex Sync Integration
Sync Vertex BD projects automatically to the cloud for easy sharing and collaboration
New features include new revision management, integration for reference drawings and tools to manage your custom Vertex BD environments in the Vertex Sync cloud.
3D Panel Stacking improvements
New features include: Simplification of stack editing, User interface improvements, Changed the order of reports and listings to be more usable, Stack elements that are up to date.
Most requested improvements
Added sheet deletion to the document browser, Sheet copying, renaming in the document browser, Other documents now in the document browser, Improved positioning of the profile and notching tool, The orientation of the gutter attached to the eave trim sets, Change components to another or directly from the library.
Improvements for Publisher
Setting default properties for default files, Adding files to a set, Editing the order of files in a set.
Watch a Launch Webinar Recording
See new features in action + Q&A.