Building information modeling (BIM) is quickly transitioning from a “nice to have” technology to a “MUST have” technology. If you want to compete effectively, you need BIM technology in your toolbox.

This is real. We aren’t saying that BIM is critical to your success because we developed a solution; we developed a solution because BIM is critical to success.

Is there industrial consensus on BIM? Here’s the evidence.

  • At least 4 international BIM conferences are scheduled for this year: Barcelona, Istanbul, and Alicante (Spain), and the UK.

  • At least two national BIM conferences will be held this year, the BIMForum spring and fall sessions.

  • The National Bureau of Building Sciences developed a set of BIM standards, which incorporates consensus standards from organizations around the world to ensure global compatibility.

  • 60% of construction companies now use BIM

  • Students can now obtain a college-level associate degree in BIM: “Associate of Science in Building Information Modeling”

  • BIM was listed among the top 10 topics in the construction industry in both 2015 and 2016.

  • The UK has mandated that all government projects must use level-2 BIM, which requires a common file format, so all participants in a project can use them.


Why is BIM becoming so popular? Here are just a few of the reasons.

There can be no doubt: now is the time to seriously consider incorporating BIM into your workflow. We can help you with the technology; it’s well within your grasp. Just ask!


Vertex BD is a flexible building design tool that automates the creation of architectural drawing sets, panel fabrication drawings, material reports, manufacturing data, and architectural visualizations, all from one building model.


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